Friday, 20 December 2013
Friday, 13 December 2013
Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is a working website.....
By Liz Ward of Virtuoso Legal
I took a phone call recently from Jenny (not her real name of course!) an old client. We’d first advised Jenny 3 years ago when her luxury goods business had problems with credit card fraud. We re-drafted her terms and conditions and included new payment terms in accordance with the Distance Selling Directives. Her merchant services provider had insisted that she had professionally drafted terms, and the new systems for delivery and taking payment seemed to almost eliminate the problems. Job done!
I took a phone call recently from Jenny (not her real name of course!) an old client. We’d first advised Jenny 3 years ago when her luxury goods business had problems with credit card fraud. We re-drafted her terms and conditions and included new payment terms in accordance with the Distance Selling Directives. Her merchant services provider had insisted that she had professionally drafted terms, and the new systems for delivery and taking payment seemed to almost eliminate the problems. Job done!
Well not quite.
new website....
In summer Jenny decided she would have a new, re-freshed website ready for
the Christmas rush. She’d contacted a number of website
suppliers and chose a new developer. She is based in London. By August all was
ready for transfer to the new website. In
September, the website was beta tested, appeared to work ok and then went live
on 1 October. Immediately Jenny saw problems. Orders dropped off a cliff edge and
the new website was nowhere to be seen on Google – even when key words were
used. Jenny’s old website was quite well optimised for certain
key products.
It didn’t take long to get to the bottom of the problem of orders
not going through. Customers
simply couldn’t check out on the website. So once they’d put
items in the basket, payment was either delayed or couldn’t be taken at all,
with the customers left with a page that just froze. Angry calls and emails to the developer
ended up with no clear result; although some features were
improved. She refused to pay him the final payment. He couldn’t make the site
work properly and refused to take her calls. A complete impasse resulted.
business disappearing down the pan.....
By mid November, things had deteriorated to the point where he wanted more money to resolve matters
and she was watching her business disappear down the pan. He threatened to sue for money owed
and take her complete site down. She threatened to counter-claim
for business losses.
Now there are all kinds of technical reasons for the faults –
which it transpired arose mainly because a key member of staff had left at a
critical time in creating the website. Jenny
had chosen her web developer because he had provided the lowest quote
– and she simply signed his badly drafted terms of business. We’ve all done
it. However, as Red Adair famously said.....
“if you think
going to an expert is expensive, wait until you’ve used an amateur.”
A good website is akin to having the best shop on the High
Street. With a proper contract, specification planning and sign off schedules
incorporated into the terms, a lot of this headache could have been avoided. So
if you are planning a new website in 2014 just email Dan for a full checklist
that should help you agree proper terms and avoid problems arising between
developer and client.
Friday, 6 December 2013
9 Top Tips for Trading on the Internet
By Kim
Highley of Virtuoso Legal
- Ensure
that your Terms and Conditions of Website use, Terms and Conditions of
Trade (Goods/Services), Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are brought to
the attention of your website users on your landing page.
- Customers
should be required to click on a button to confirm acceptance of all Terms
and Conditions of Trade before they can place orders.
- Always
include a Copyright Notice on your website.
- Consider registering
any company name / business name and any logos or devices used for
marketing as trade marks so that no one can copy them.
- Consider
registering domain names you may wish to use in the future for your online
- Web Transactions must comply with the Distance Selling Regulations therefore you must provide as a minimum –
- Information about the supplier and the goods/services should be supplied to the Customer in good time before contract is concluded.
- Notification of right to cancel goods/services within 7 working days with full refund.
- Check that your returns policy complies with the regulations.
- If
you are trading using a website with restricted access to password users
then consider how you will handle this data to avoid any data protection
and liability issues.
- If
you are trading wider than the UK, consider whether your website complies
with foreign regulations e.g. advertising, financial services regulation,
purchases of goods/services.
Consult with lawyers in any relevant countries.
- If
you are taking payment using merchant services (i.e. credit card and other
payments on line) then you should consider fraud and fraud protection. The
banks and merchant service providers will want to see professionally
drafted terms of trade BEFORE providing you with merchant services
facilities account.
Friday, 29 November 2013
During my international experience I
have exhibited at trade shows in the USA, Europe, Middle East and Far East.
Whilst the cultures and the business environment may differ, I have found the
fundamentals of mounting a good display stand remain the same whatever the
local situation. In this short article I will literally concentrate on the
stand itself and the people who man it.
believe the main purpose of your stand is to differentiate your company from
competitors and attract attention quickly. Regardless of the stand’s size and
location, visitors should be able to immediately recognise your company’s name
and logo; your company’s products and/or services; how the company can solve
their problems.
are brief messages in appropriate languages. The more product ranges you have
the greater the temptation to display all. This will only confuse – concentrate
on the main seller or new offering.
the stand should be information driven through having the right combination of
lighting, open space and graphic presentation. The ‘look’ should reflect your
key communication message in all promotional & support material. The name
of the game is to attract casual passerby’s to your stand. Remember at most
international events there are hundreds of exhibitors all trying to attract
visitors, many of whom only come for the day.
before designing and setting up a stand, the most critical element is its
location. Every expert will say ‘location, location, location’ You can have
designed the best stand but if it is in the wrong site then arguably it will
not be worth exhibiting. Technically there are many considerations such as
visitors walk to the right on entering an exhibition hall and miss the front
locations draw traffic from two directions
miss dead-end aisles
near exits, toilets and food areas are high traffic but not necessarily good
selling positions
by freight/lift doors are usually congested
such as columns can obstruct the visibility
Locating near competition is not generally beneficial
as they can view who visits your stand
close to complementary products can encourage cross-selling opportunities
As a
newcomer to any show, prime positions will already have been booked so I always
invested time to continually consult with the show organisers to seek upgrading
my location. For some international shows the requirement was to demonstrate a
commitment by contributing to ancillary activities such as the show catalogue, on-site
display features or social events. I always made sure that before I left a show
at its conclusion I would meet in person with the organisers to negotiate next
year’s site.
established the best location available, I considered whether to rent or build
a stand. As a first time exhibitor, I rented to gain practical experience of
both the show, the type of stand and the dynamics of working with visitors.
If, at later stage, I
decided to create a custom-built stand I could be more objective in its design.
Critical features to consider will be the adaptability, versatility and
suitability of the bespoke stand to different trade environments and its
ability to be transported & shipped. You will need to consider the stand’s
comfort in terms of working space, storage & display of materials and floor
coverings ensuring it is carpeted. Any demonstration area must be able to
handle at least two visitors at a time
important of all, the stand must appeal to the target audience by having
appropriate displays i.e. for a target of computer technicians they will expect
computers running interactive programmes
appropriate, attention getting techniques should be employed such as revolving
pictures or running signs. I have found that as a general rule 60% of the stand
border should be open so allowing easy access
In the early stages of
my exhibiting experience we could only afford a comparatively small stand so
exposure was limited even in reasonably good locations. I had to make the best
of what I had so employed a number of techniques to raise visibility to the
passer-by such as:
- Using
lighting appropriately as it can increase awareness by up to 40%
- Keeping
the displays simple, feature only one to two products
- Using
bold colours
- Using
fewer but larger graphics
- Using
flowchart graphics and designs to depict product solutions
- Being
proportionate, reception counters and other non-productive sales items will
clutter space
sometimes overlooked matter id the staffing of the stand – selection of the right
personnel and in the right numbers. I recall once visiting a company stand (not
my responsibility!) at a European show where it seemed to me the world and his
wife was attending. It appeared traditionally all of the company’s country
sales employees would attend plus any associated company personnel. It was a
mini United Nations, highly chaotic, disorganised and expensive,
is recognised that staff will account for 85% of the show’s success, however
not all staff are suitable as they will be working a different environment. Key
characteristics are for people who are open, warm and friendly; who can talk
comfortably to strangers and be good listeners. You certainly need to ensure
you include some decision takers. If you know the show will attract buying
teams, rather than individuals, ensure your team is staffed with a mix of
expertise. A general guide for staffing levels is one per 50 square feet of
public exhibit area.
Then finally one of the
most overlooked elements of good exhibiting, You may the best stand and
location but nobody knows you are there. I spent a good deal of time ensuring
existing customers and other interested parties were aware of our presence well
in advance of the event. The full list could include existing customers, potential
customer, new leads, suppliers, current or potential agents or distributors, media
and trade and industry personnel.
There is much planning
and thought to be applied if one is to maximise the investment in exhibiting.
If one can spare the time walk around the show with a critical eye and rate
each exhibit in terms of location, attractiveness and accessibility. You will
be no doubt surprised as to how many fail the test.
Friday, 22 November 2013
In a previous Tale I described a three week business trip to
the US where I had been booked in to Holiday Inn Hotels for every night of my
stay. That experience is what put me off chain hotels. There was nothing
fundamentally wrong with the hotels, or the quality of service, or the
cleanliness, but those places are a bit formulaic. Since 1993 I have tended to
book my own accommodation.
I remember thinking ‘corporate is best’ when I was booked
into a New York hotel between a flight from the UK and an onward flight to
Vancouver back in 1992. The room door security was ridiculous and I felt like a
multi-padlock was the only thing missing, other than maybe a doorlock-activated
sub-machine gun! For the most part I have felt safe in the places I have
stayed, but there have just been a few instances in the USA where I have felt
less than comfortable. A second was in Charlotte, North Carolina when the pizza
delivery man refused to bring the pizza into my room as normal. Apparently only
a few days beforehand another pizza delivery man had been badly beaten after
entering a hotel room, all for the sake of a few dollars.
My quest to book into local, family run establishments led
me to some interesting and memorable places. In 1997 I flew with a colleague to
Salzburg en route to Villach in Austria, arriving at about 9:30pm to find the
place pretty well locked up. After poking our heads around various creaking
doors, we were eventually confronted by a formally dressed middle aged man who
organised our keys and then told us that the restaurant had closed for the
night and that we would not find anywhere open nearby where we could grab a
bite to eat. So we ate almost the entire breakfast buffet the following
morning! The beds were comfortable although the rooms were stark, and at the
time it was a little alien to stay in a place without a television, but that’s
something I have become used to, and now prefer.
I stopped in a similar, much friendlier hotel near Kiel in
northern Germany in 1999. Our distributor Thomas Siewert had kindly booked me
into a ‘local family run hotel’ where I was to stay for three nights, again
without a television. In reality, when I have travelled the only times I have
watched TV is to catch up on a few minutes of news. Hotel rooms provide just a
bed for the night, and I generally fall into them after a late night with
clients, and fall out again for breakfast or to get on the road.
Thomas was an incredibly likeable and hardworking fellow,
and became a good friend but he lived, breathed, and dreamed about his work,
and days out with Thomas were a nightmare: at least 14 hours including travel,
multiple meetings, and then a restaurant meal to talk more about work in the
evening. I told his partner Petra that Thomas would drive himself into the
ground if he was not careful, and she agreed but said ‘what can I do?’ So one
night near Frankfurt I decided to challenge him. Barcelona were playing
Manchester United that night in the Champions League, so when the clock struck
exactly 9pm I told Thomas that I had had enough of work for the day and that I
was going to watch the football. He was incredulous: “But we have not finished
our work!” he shrieked. The following morning I explained to Thomas that in
order for me to think clearly about my work I needed to have some time away
from work that didn’t involve sleeping! I also explained that I felt Petra was
becoming concerned for his health, and that perhaps he should have some more
quality time with her.
Back to the local family run hotel near Kiel. On the final
night of my stay Thomas joined me for an evening meal and to discuss our plans
for the German market. At exactly 9pm, he proudly stated “and now, I have had
enough of my work John so I will show you my photographs from my holiday in the
Seychelles.” I have never seen so many photographs of a man holding a fish in all
my life!!
Throughout my travelling years I have stayed in places for
the sake of convenience, either to be close to highways for an onward journey,
or to be within a short drive of my first meeting the following day. So I have
stayed in Campaniles and Toucans and Shoney’s and all kinds of places that
would not normally be my first choice, but which are perfectly adequate if a
bed for the night is all you need. However, when you stop in a hotel for several
nights running, you don’t want shower heads falling off, chair legs collapsing,
damp carpets and the other horrors that can occasionally conspire against you.
And when that happened to a group of us in Hannover one year during a five
night stay, I swore it would never be allowed to happen again!
The net result was that we stayed for seven consecutive
years in a fabulous little artisan hotel in the middle of Hannover and within a
five minute walk of the Hauptbahnhof. And each year Mr. Reed stayed there, his
room was upgraded until in the fifth year he was in the Presidential suite! In
what other hotel would you be greeted by a free shot of schnaps? These hotels
are out there and very often you don’t have to look too hard. They allow you
interact with real people from the city, who can genuinely tell you the best
places to go to eat and drink and be entertained. So live the places you stay,
even if you do only need a bed for the night.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Those of us who have been in international trade for many
years know the feeling well. We have all walked into a new challenge with a new
company and asked ourselves ‘where on earth do I start?’ And after those brief
moments of panic subside, we have realised that the answer is incredibly
simple: ‘start with what you have got!’ That rule of thumb applies whatever the
size of the organisation, but crucially there are still too many companies who
have traditionally seen their exporting activity as an ‘add-on’ to their
business, rather than an integral part of long term sustainable growth, vital
to the company and not to be treated as a business backwater. ‘If it works it
works’ is simply not good enough.
It is only by starting with what you have got that you know
where the gaps are, where the challenges are, and where the good news is. I can
remember walking into one company where they didn’t even have a filing cabinet
(remember them?) for exports, just a pile of folders on a desk. But that is
what I had to start with, and I found by rummaging through every bit of paper
therein that there was some good potential in our selling partners but a lot of
dead wood. My first job was to fly to Hamburg to stop our distributor in Kiel
from sueing us. My predecessor had failed to keep his promises about the level
of marketing support provided to this fabulously hard-working and dedicated
distributor, who after 18 months had lost all patience. There was no contract
in place, and the threat to sue was more out of frustration than serious
intent, but the fact that I had made the effort to visit him and draw up a new
plan paid dividends.
My second job was to fly to see our ‘best performing’
distributor, who were based in Dublin and referred to in an earlier Tale. Sure,
they had the largest turnover of any of our distributors, but they did not pay
their bills and they had exceeded the credit limit we had agreed with our
insurers. They also had severe cash flow problems, and I had absolutely no
desire to find out why. I just wanted a decent distributor who paid their
bills. In the end, I stopped their shipments, and in hindsight that was
probably not the greatest idea because the company eventually went bust and I
failed to replace them with anything better. On the flip side, we had stopped
pretending and it allowed us to move on and locate significantly more valuable
and reliable business elsewhere.
You guessed it. My third job was a problem too. Well partly
a problem anyway. Our French distributor was a very nice guy and he had won
some interesting and prestigious projects for our company, but he too had been unilaterally
stretching his payment terms which were supposed to be 60 days. There were some
significant bills that had reached the 180 day point and nobody had challenged
them. When I did, the distributor did not immediately have the funds to pay. So
we had to put together a plan that would bring him back in synch. It was a
struggle but he was worth the effort, he carried on bringing in new business
and the plan worked.
Much of the rest of the portfolio I inherited were one-off
or sporadic orders and enquiries that had come our way in the previous year or
two, where little or no further contact had been made. The guy who gave me the
job said at interview that ‘to be better than the last guy you just have to
turn up!’ I spent the rest of my first couple of days following up outstanding
opportunities, and I can remember being surprised that almost all the people I
contacted were grateful to have received my call, and most of the projects were
still ‘live’.
So I had started the ball rolling, and now needed to devise
a plan to build export turnover from £400,000 to £1 million within two years.
It transpired that some of our exports had been achieved via distributors that
were common to our sister company, and who had been given the distinct
impression that they also had exclusive rights to sell our products. So I had
an internal and external battle to bring that to order on the grounds that my
sales commissions would then be based wholly on my own efforts. I needed direct
relationships with all of the people who were selling our products. It is the
only way.
I had started in my new role in mid-August 1997 and by
Christmas that year I had visited all of our important selling partners, to
learn about their businesses and to put action plans into place. In early November
I had spent a week exhibiting at Batimat in Paris where we shared stand costs
with our (now compliant) French distributor and generated some good business
together. And it’s the word ‘together’ that best explains the way in which our
export business was driven forward from that point. We worked closely with our
selling partners, agents, distributors, and not just in reacting to their
needs. The plans we put into place covered a number of areas: project analysis
and timetabling, so that I could forecast sales better; a programme of visits,
both to provide product training and to support them with key customer
meetings; UK factory visits so that our selling partners saw more of the
company than just me; and a marketing programme which included brochure and
sample book translations, attendance at exhibitions or a commitment to exhibit.
So the ball had very much started to roll, and in a later
Tale, I will summarise some of the strategies that led us to £1 million of
export sales by Christmas 1999. The plan worked, so always have a plan!
Friday, 8 November 2013
During the many years that I was practically involved in marketing and
selling consumer products overseas I realised there were a number of
fundamental issues that always need to be addressed. For my company the core
task was to maintain a consistent programme that enhanced brand image and
product performance in differing markets throughout the world,
Each of our branded products possessed a value in the mind of the
consumer which we wanted to preserve and enhance. We offered a wide range of
international products which would be categorised according to the brand
profile. Our range would be segmented into International brands – generally
high value and imagery and standardised, where possible, across all markets;
Regional brands developed to target local consumer preferences and Tactical
brands created market by market to satisfy a specific need such as flavour,
style or price
Being a consumer product, most were sold to the end purchaser through a
retail outlet. .There are, therefore, two distinct forms of planning and
activity to be considered.
First the traditional consumer marketing directed at the end user
through sales, advertising and promotion. The second and as important, is trade
marketing which ensures the right parties in the local supply chain, including
the retailers themselves, are handled and directed in the right way. The key to successful trade marketing is
grouping customers into trade channels so as to focus marketing efforts on the
special needs and characteristics of each channel.
There is much evidence that trade marketing is either ignored or not
followed through by many exporters.
Some of the key elements of trade marketing are channel mapping – how
many of each trade type are selling what and where; decisions on channel
priorities; assessment of trade pricing and promotional policies; agreement
with local partner, agent or distributor, on how best to handle the trade.
All of which are carried out to ensure every potential consumer will be able
to purchase your products at the right place, at the right time, at the right
price, in the right manner in the right quality and in the right manner.
Space prohibits a detailed examination of these activities but to
endorse my message let me pose some rhetorical questions.
Select a key market to which you have exported for a number of years.
Can you describe the trade through which you sell? How many wholesalers and
retailers? Of the wholesalers how many are traditional and how many are of
the cash and carry style? What are the main retailer types that should be
selling your products and how many are there in each trade sector? The
questions could go such as who are they – by name and where are they and how
often do they purchase and in what quantities?
Let me briefly describe two examples from my experience – the Middle East
and West Africa.
Working with my local distributors I would analyse the breakdown of local
trade – remember this is for the sale of consumer products. In the Middle East
main sectors would be Wholesalers, Supermarkets, Specialist shops, small shops
in the Souk, Horeca outlets and so on. In West Africa there would be a similar
breakdown of sectors but with the addition of street side Hawkers who,
incidentally, in certain countries accounted for over 60% of the sale of our
We would then total or estimate the numbers in each sector and set
trade promotional strategies accordingly. For the key sectors we would
develop specific advertising and promotional activities including special
discounts or rebates. For the literally thousands of souk and hawker outlets
we would rely upon the salesman’s word of mouth and giveaway items.
Let’s return to the all important consumer marketing element. Frankly
it would take a book to cover most aspects but I will raise a number of
issues that we always had to consider. With regard to the product itself
there are two broad areas to manage – changes that have to be made to the
product and changes that are required to suit the local consumer.
Most exporters are aware of the various factors that could enforce
product changes such as legal, governmental, and logistical. Other common
issues can include transportation and climate.
Let me provide one example affected by the latter. We marketed
semi-perishable products around the world with a six-month sell-by date and
normally used a series of protective packings enclosed in a plastic display
tub for each individual product. For some of our South American markets we
found that these protections were not sufficient. We had analysed the period
from manufacture to point of sale and taking into account the shipping time,
period from landing to delivery to a retail outlet, the ambient temperatures
in local outlets and the time for a consumer to purchase, sell dates were
exceeded. The whole package was redesigned and enhanced to ensure the
freshest product available to local consumers.
The second critical area is adaptations required to suit the culture
and buying habits of the local consumer.
This raises a vast number of considerations including pricing, style,
colours and language of product packaging, appropriateness to local
lifestyles and so on. One factor that was critical to us was the
affordability of the unit of sale.
Our standard unit of sale for our European products was 6 items to one
retail pack. However in certain markets both the size and the affordability
were too high. This factor had nothing to do with the basic price; it was
that consumers locally just did not buy products this way. We therefore
provided a four-pack for these markets.
We normally marketed branded products with high perceived value.
However in some markets the predominant preference was for local products at
a lower price point. To gain both a trade presence for all of our products
and provide the local consumer with a choice, we provided a generic product
in addition to the premium brands. Tactically we were able to ‘buy’ shelf
presence through the value product and gain listings for the higher value brands.
There is, of course, much more that can be discussed by space does not
permit it. The main lesson of my international experience is to spend a good
proportion of effort marketing to the local trade as well as the end-consumer
to ensure a better chance of long term success.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Sounds glib doesn’t it, but it’s true. If you do your
preparation well then the act of selling actually becomes the end game in a
process, the knot that secures the package. Of course there are many different
types of selling and you would use different methods to sell FMCG items than if
you were selling construction materials into the specification market, or maybe
medical equipment where certification and safety are paramount. However the
principle behind the sale remains the same, and the relationships you build
long term are the key. You locate your customers, learn what it is they want or
provide them with something new and innovative that they need, achieve the
necessary standards, market the product or service effectively, create the
customer relationship, and then close the sale. And don’t forget you need a
reason to go back, the opportunity to win repeat business, and the key to
achieving that is the relationships that you build.
Then there is the small matter of getting your selling
partners, agents or distributors, to sell your products just as well as you
would sell them yourself, and that is where a number of challenges can arise. They
may be selling a basket of products from different companies, so you need to do
what you can to ensure that yours is at the top of the pile. They need a reason
to prioritise your products in their basket, and that may either be because your
product provides something unique that others don’t, it may be that it provides
more profitability, or it may be that it is easier to sell because you have
provided them with product training, technical know-how and above all the
confidence to sell the product to its best advantage.
I may have related in a previous Tale a part of the story
that follows. I had been collected from Moscow Airport by our excellent
distributor to go straight to an important meeting with BP/TNK to whom we were
to present our carpet tiles. It was just after the difficult merger between the
companies and they were looking to re-fit their offices throughout Russia. En
route I learned that my props for this meeting were a single, medium blue,
tufted loop pile carpet tile, and whatever presentation material happened to be in my luggage! This was not my
first visit to the distributor, and because I had already delivered a certain
amount of product training, I had wrongly assumed that they would collect me armed to the teeth with a
whole range of folders and sample options to present at the meeting. Furthermore
there had been no information sent prior to our meeting, so I really was going
in blind.
So there we sat, patiently in the lobby with our single blue
tile as our competitors seemed to wheel in trolleys full of different options.
And of course we were last to be seen, and because I was being introduced as
‘Mr. Carpet Tile Guru’, I simply had to busk it as best I could. It was
therefore heartening to hear a Scottish voice from within the room as the
previous presenters left after their pitch, and my short presentation achieved
three things: first, it presented the qualities of our single blue tile; second
the technical sheets and brochures that were in my briefcase helped both to
reinforce the technical message and the illustrate colour options; and finally,
realising that I had created interest and knowing that there was a second
chance to meet the buyers at Sony’s offices and fabulous showroom the following
day, I seized the chance to reserve a further five minutes to demonstrate how
our various products could worked together cost-effectively and well within
budget. Although we did not win the job on that occasion, our modest
presentation came second to the pitch made by the sales team of our biggest
competitor. I was left feeling that a better presentation would have swung the
business our way, and the total amount of time I was exposed to the buyers over
the two days was about 20 minutes.
Closer to home, I had a similar experience in the Irish city
of Cork where a fifteen minute presentation won 2,000m2 of carpet tile business
with RTE. We had sold to RTE in Dublin previously so we already had a track
record of supply. The product had worn well and continued to look good. Our distributor
therefore set up with glee an appointment for us jointly to visit the RTE
specifiers in Cork, and I made my arrangements to fly into Dublin for our
onward 3+hour journey by car. However, on arrival at Dublin Airport I found
that the glee and enthusiasm which the distributor had expressed in setting up
the meeting had turned into a bed-ridden flu bug.
So I hired a car and did the job myself, arriving in good
time with my short presentation that provided a range of options and a few
photographs of how the Dublin installation had turned out. It was a
presentation template I had used for years, adapted to this particular
customer. It took fifteen minutes to make the presentation after my long drive,
and the architect was pleasantly surprised when I didn’t take up a whole load
more of his time! I arrived back at my hotel in Dublin at around 8pm, by which
time the 2,000m2 order had been placed. Buoyed at this success, I dropped into
Grafton Street to sample a few local pubs, whereupon I bumped into my formerly
bed-ridden distributor having a great time with his mates and demonstrating a
complete and full recovery from the hideous flu bug that had laid him out that
very morning. He didn’t last much longer after that!
Friday, 25 October 2013
9 Top Tips for Trading on the Internet
- Ensure
that your Terms and Conditions of Website use, Terms and Conditions of
Trade (Goods/Services), Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are brought to
the attention of your website users on your landing page.
- Customers
should be required to click on a button to confirm acceptance of all Terms
and Conditions of Trade before they can place orders.
- Always
include a Copyright Notice on your website.
- Consider registering
any company name / business name and any logos or devices used for
marketing as trade marks so that no one can copy them.
- Consider
registering domain names you may wish to use in the future for your online
- Web
Transactions must comply with the Distance Selling Regulations therefore
you must provide as a minimum –
- Information about the supplier and the goods/services should be supplied to the Customer in good time before contract is concluded.
- Notification of right to cancel goods/services within 7 working days with full refund.
- Check that your returns policy complies with the regulations.
- If
you are trading using a website with restricted access to password users
then consider how you will handle this data to avoid any data protection
and liability issues.
- If
you are trading wider than the UK, consider whether your website complies
with foreign regulations e.g. advertising, financial services regulation,
purchases of goods/services.
Consult with lawyers in any relevant countries.
- If
you are taking payment using merchant services (i.e. credit card and other
payments on line) then you should consider fraud and fraud protection. The
banks and merchant service providers will want to see professionally
drafted terms of trade BEFORE providing you with merchant services
facilities account.
By Kim Highley of Virtuoso Legal
Friday, 18 October 2013
I suppose I ought to start with an explanation for those of
you who have had the misfortune not to try Grignolino red wine. I was first
introduced to it during a trip to see a distributor in Milan, and on a return
trip some months later had left it to them to book a conveniently located hotel
. So what did they do? Well as our main contact, Stefano, lived in the hills
around the historic town of Como, they booked me into a wonderful hotel on the
lakeside. Grignolino is a wine from the Lombardy region of Italy which is
served young, generally after only a year or so in the bottle, and just as the
Italians seem to always get their food right, they get the wine to go with the
food right too!
I flew into Linate Airport on that first occasion, and
Stefano collected me in his tiny Fiat Cinquecento and drove me to his offices
on the outskirts of Milan, about a mile from the San Siro. There I had an
initial meeting with Stefano to discuss new products, pending orders, marketing
and sample stocks, and was then shown into a windowless room with orange fabric
walls to wait for the business owner who wanted to meet the new kind on the
block. I had been forewarned that it could be a long wait. An hour passed, then
two, then three, by which time I had run out of reports to tap into my laptop,
Italian newspapers to try and decipher with my limited knowledge of the
language, and their well-thumbed collection of interior design magazines, and
spent a further half hour twiddling my own thumbs waiting for the great man to
You always know an important Italian by the fact that they
don’t put their arms in their jacket sleeves, and when Mr. L. finally arrived
he was just so. He did not sit, but stood throughout this first encounter,
probably to give his fist greater impact when he thumped the table, and he
spoke only in Italian leaving Stefano to interpret and transmit the harsh words
that were about to pass between us. Poor Stefano. At one point he said to me ‘I cannot say that’
as I explained to Mr. L. that as his payment record was so appalling I would
not release any more goods at that time. I never did find out what Stefano said
by way of my reply! And Mr. L. demanded 120 day payment terms for his orders,
and demanded rafts of samples that I wasn’t prepared to give. And to be honest
after a near four hour wait, I was a bit hacked off and my tummy was rumbling.
Yet after our lively encounter we parted friends with Mr. L. uttering his first
words of English.
Anyway after that Stefano and I both needed a drink, and he
drove me the half hour back to my lakeside hotel for a five minute wash and
brush up before taking me to a restaurant a few miles around the lake. It was
dark by that time, and for an Italian Stefano was not a great driver, weaving
his way at high speed along roads that would only pass as back alleys in most
other locations. But we arrived in one piece and shared a fabulous meal and a
couple of bottles – yes bottles – of Grignolino before the white-knuckle ride
back to the hotel. Actually I think his driving was better on the way back!
The restaurant location was idyllic, and Stefano always a
perfect gentleman, was full of lively conversation, warmth and good humour.
Neither of us smoked. I had recently given up and he had a bronchial condition,
which presumably explains why the pair of us then shared a packet of twenty as
we stood on the balcony over the lake watching the fish circle around in the
calm waters below. I had done exactly the same at a different restaurant on my
first visit to Como, but it was a welcome feeling of déjà vu.
Months went by, and lo and behold payment performance
improved and the demands for rafts of samples eased. It was an ongoing battle
to keep Mr.L. within our agreed terms of payment and his credit insurance
limit, and I found that the secret to achieving that was regular communication
and occasional threats to not release stock, but eventually we settled on a
reasonable balance between the two. Every time I went to visit his offices in
Milan I was made to wait the customary few hours, Stefano became piggy in the
middle for a fraught half hour argument, and then the three of us – yes the
three of us and sometimes four and five – would be driven to Mr. L’s favourite
restaurant in an industrial part of Milan, a restaurant I doubt I would ever be
able to find under my own steam. There he was happy to converse entirely in
English and help Stefano and I with the Grignolino!
Friday, 11 October 2013
The Connaught Hotel in Bombay was a government run
establishment, and it had an institutional feel about it, not so much in the
lobby and reception area, but in the long, curving corridors that led
eventually to my rather tatty room. I was tired after a long journey, but
exhilarated by my arrival in this fascinating country and a little
disorientated. I had finished the bottle of water that I had bought for my
journey from Zurich, so I opened the minibar for refreshment. There was the
usual array of extortionately priced beer, wine, whisky, crisp packets and
chocolate bars, and two litre bottles of water. Picking one up I realised that
that what I thought in the dim light was condensation on the outside of the
bottle was actually cloudy water on the inside! So I checked the bottle top, and
sure enough it was not sealed. Furious, I called reception and insisted that
they replaced their refilled water bottles with new, properly sealed ones,
which they did somewhat begrudgingly.
It took a while to wind down after that but in the end the
safest place to be was under the bed covers because my room was already
occupied, by a family of mosquitos. Their intimidating, high pitched whine
seemed to penetrate my ears so I put the covers over my head and attempted to
sleep. Trouble is, the room was suffocatingly hot and the inadequate air
conditioning unit hummed with such resonance that the bed seemed to shake, so I
was certainly not destined to have a good night’s sleep.
I think adrenalin took over the following day, because when
my guide arrived the collect me I felt fresh and ready to go. Shanti Mansabdar
had travelled to the UK a few months previously and saw an opportunity to sell
our range of reconditioned woodworking machines into the Indian market. The
purpose of my trip to Bombay was to follow up his interest and for him to
introduce me to potential customers around the city. So we took a cab to an
‘industrial estate’ to meet a young, stylish man called Mr. Jain. The
‘industrial estate’ was more like a converted four story block of flats, and
each of its rooms were occupied by businesses involved in a variety of
activities from textiles to metalwork to furniture manufacture, which was Mr.
Jain’s business. The cab could only take us so far and we walked the final few
hundred yards through a crowded and vibrant market place, with telephone wires
hanging loosely across the narrow street, connected between stalls in all kinds
of ingenious, and largely unsafe ways!
It was clear from the meeting with Mr. Jain that selling our
machines to him would be quite a task. Shanti was extremely deferential and
clearly of little influence. Mr. Jain was polite, professional, but already
used machinery that had kept his business going for many years, albeit in Heath
Robinson fashion. Investing in better equipment is something that was not in
the forefront of his mind. So we had tea and Shanti walked me back through the
market to a railway platform. We boarded a train for just a few stops, and as
we stood in the crowded carriage my fellow passengers decided they should
practise their English on me and so a very enjoyable half hour passed, until we
reached the grandeur of Bombay’s main railway station. I had asked Shanti if we
could pick up some more bottled water as my supplies were disappearing fast in
the 35 degree heat, and he seemed very happy then to take me into the ‘best
supermarket in the city’, which was actually a mid-sized corner shop on three
levels with narrow aisles, congested with others who seemed equally overawed at
its splendour!
Our next appointment was with a company who made laminated
furniture, and who had expressed interest in reconditioned presses,
finger-jointers, and stitching machines. We arrived in that part of town an
hour early so it was nice to get away from the fast pace of the city’s life for
a while to have a real conversation over lunch under a big fan. Shanti was
taking seeds out of a bowl on the table, as we would eat Bombay mix and I
assumed it was something similar so went to try some. He stopped me and pointed
out that it would not be good for me, and as I looked more closely I noticed
that there were insects moving within the seeds.
It was clear after our second meeting that the price
expectation of Shanti’s customers was significantly below what I was prepared
to sell them for. Therefore I quickly came to regard the Bombay leg of my trip
as an educational opportunity, and for making connections for the future. As we
left that meeting for others in an industrial area a little farther out of
town, I noticed that the streets were stained with red blotches, just as the
staircase had been at Mr. Jain’s industrial estate so I asked why, and it was
because the locals chewed on a form of rice leaf that made their spittle red,
and which they habitually disgorged as they went about their daily
As with part 1 of this Tale, I was struck at every corner by
the gulf between the haves and the have-nots, between the men and women who
owned the businesses, factories and shops, and the poor scraping a living from
waste, or by begging on behalf of the street mafia whose exploitative trade
will feature in part 3.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Around the world in...219 days pt 3 - Train adventures around the Black Sea countries
My official arrival into Bulgaria
was marked by being rudely awakened and questioned by border security in what
seemed like a fairly intense encounter at 4am! I think most likely, it was more
the shock of being woken for the 6th time on a fairly horrendous
train journey across the Turkish border, than any kind of malice from the
border guards but it definitely made me think again about the country I had
just arrived in.
The city of Plovdiv was my first
experience of a country that had grown up behind the iron curtain and despite
the fall of the Berlin wall, I found the atmosphere veered from cold and
suspicious to incredibly warm. A chance encounter in one bar led to a full
night out... Bulgarian style! It was great to see this side of Bulgarian life,
especially as the couple we met, brought some friends along to make sure we
stayed safe in a notorious (but fun) part of town.
The first major difference that
struck me was the use of Cyrillic script. In most countries I had visited
previously, despite any language barrier, there was a degree of understanding
from the familiar lettering and as we were relying on trains for this section,
I had a feeling of foreboding about the days ahead! Another shock to the system
was to see the use of horse and carts in everyday life, including one
entrepreneur who was giving city tours on a settee strapped to the back of his
cart! It is clearly a country that is developing fast however, and the capital
Sofia was as good a city as I have visited in Europe with its own unique style
of architecture leaning more towards the Ottoman empire than to that of the
Russian communist which were often based more on scale and functionality than
![]() |
Typical architecture in Sofia with a heavy Ottoman influence but showing Cyrillic script |
Travelling around Europe with an
Interrail ticket made things easier, as I only needed one ticket for the whole
trip. However, the challenge is in reserving a seat, which is vital for sleeper
trains in areas where there may be only one train per day! To add to the
confusion, we were told that it is not possible to reserve train tickets directly
from the station. Instead, you have to find the offices of the train
reservation company and book with them instead. Booking was in itself a
challenge due to the lack of common oral or written language, so a combination
of mimes, drawings and extreme patience on both sides were required to
accomplish our goal. On the whole, we were quite relaxed about time with the
only constraint being that I had to be in Stuttgart in 18 days for my next
flight and thankfully, our second long train journey passed in far more comfort
than the first!
One of the issues with long
distance trains however, is that you tend to arrive late at night or very early
in the morning. We concluded that arriving places at night is far more fun than
early in the morning when there is nothing open and nobody on the streets to
ask for directions. Also the trains tend to get really cold towards the end of
the night, so it can be a miserable experience trying to find your way around a
new city! However, there are downsides of arriving late at night. For example,
our arrival in Bucharest was one of the more hairy moments on the trip, as the
walk from the train station was on unlit roads, half of which seemed to be
under construction. It is one of the few times that I have felt unsafe whilst
travelling and I was relieved to get to the hostel.
Romania was fantastic to see from a
train and I wished that I had more time to explore the smaller cities and
especially the countryside. I was disappointed with Bucharest which seemed to
me to be undergoing a lot of construction, and the number of stories of people
being ripped off was a little concerning to say the least. One recurring story
was of unlicensed taxis driving unsuspecting tourists to remote locations and
forcing them to withdraw vast sums of money. In the worst case I heard, one
German tourist had 200 euros taken (in the local currency, the leu). It’s a
shame as the majority of Romanians go out of their way to help you but I always
felt a little exposed as a tourist there. I would like to return to Bucharest
when the current phase of building is complete.
The last few days also saw the start of train delays that we hadn’t suffered up to that point. For example, the train from Ruse on the Bulgarian border to Bucharest which should normally take about 2 hours was delayed by an extra hour and a half! During the wait we were offered a variety of lifts to Bucharest, some by taxi drivers and some by locals, all of which we gladly declined. It is possible that we were misjudging the intentions of the locals in Ruse, but from the stories passed on from other travellers, we both felt it would be better to be safe (and late) than sorry.
The last few days also saw the start of train delays that we hadn’t suffered up to that point. For example, the train from Ruse on the Bulgarian border to Bucharest which should normally take about 2 hours was delayed by an extra hour and a half! During the wait we were offered a variety of lifts to Bucharest, some by taxi drivers and some by locals, all of which we gladly declined. It is possible that we were misjudging the intentions of the locals in Ruse, but from the stories passed on from other travellers, we both felt it would be better to be safe (and late) than sorry.
Overall, I definitely enjoyed my
time around the Black Sea countries and feel privileged to have witnessed both
Bulgaria and Romania at a time when they are still adjusting following their
accession to the EU in 2007. They were both countries with a real edge and
although the majority of people were friendly, crime rates are still quite
high. As they both develop within the European Union, I look forward to seeing
how these countries adapt and more importantly, how they keep their own unique
identities as they progress.
Friday, 4 October 2013
I love the atmosphere of New York, and I love New Yorkers.
They are straight and direct, and also incredibly hospitable and fun to be
with. Back in the day, probably around 1993, I was visiting a machinery dealership
whose offices were a stone’s throw from Shay Stadium. My journey to their
office was a little fraught because the Yugoslavian yellow cab driver seemed
not to have a clue where he was going, and had an insufficient command of
English to be able to put right the wrong turnings I knew he was making, and he
seemed happy that the bill was mounting up . I had driven before along those self-same,
tyre-pitted roads that had been worn in grooves by countless articulated
trucks, and my limited knowledge of how to get to my destination from there
just about carried me through. No gratuity. He wasn’t very happy but that’s tough!
In the end, with a little help from the people I was meeting, the cab driver
was sent packing.
After a quick calm-down coffee (if there is such a thing), their
President, Richard Bass, promptly took me to their ‘warehouse’, a ramshackled
but large building somewhere on the New York dockside, ostensibly to look at
their vast stock of second hand woodworking machines. None of them were in
especially saleable condition and many were probably beyond any form of
economic repair. However, there were some useful component parts and Richard
was interested in selling our reconditioned British machinery because of their
reputation for durability. Fascinatingly, in one corner of this huge space were
43 British phone boxes that he had acquired over the years for their antique
and curiosity value. Even at that time he was making a very good living from
them, and had sold them to customers across the USA to decorate their back
yards, some converted to working order and others just there as a conversation
piece around the barbecue grill.
We got on famously, both in business and on a personal level
and spent a good number of hours together between warehouse and office putting
together whatever deals we could. I met his father who had many years of
experience in the woodworking machinery sector and there was little or nothing
he did not know about the machines, their tooling, and their many applications.
After my Yugoslavian cab driver experience, Richard kindly offered to drive me
to Newark Airport via a late afternoon / early evening meal in ‘a special part
of town’. “You’ll love it” he said, and how right he was. We talked more as we
drove through horrendous traffic, eventually parking up on a smart street of
large terraced houses with their entrances raised several steps above street
level, from which I assumed he was taking me for dinner at his house, to meet
his family, his friends, and maybe family pets. But no, not his family.
This was Little Italy and we walked into what felt like the
front door of someone’s home into a most fabulously intimate, family run, New
York Italian restaurant. It felt just like being on a film set. We were guided
to our table by a young man in his late teens, who took our drinks orders. Then
a thiry-something man took our starter order, and following that a man in his
late fifties took our main course order. Finally we were joined for a brandy by
the grandfather figure, a man who must have been in his eighties who smoked
like a chimney and entertained us with his gravelly but wholly assured voice
for a good half hour. Four generations of one family had attended to our table
in one way or another. So there was family, good food, warmth and respect, but
being where it was I could not help wondering how legitimately they had
developed their restaurant business! “You don’t ask” was Richard’s view. And
after that once-in-a-lifetime experience, Richard drove me to Newark Airport.
Except that when I arrived and looked at my tickets, I was supposed to fly to
Philadelphia from La Guardia!
I had a meeting in Philadelphia scheduled for 7am, so I
simply had to get there but by the time I could have arrived at La Guardia by
cab (with my cab experience earlier in
the day having not left a good taste), the Philly flights would all have left.
So I decided to drink a lot of coffee for a few hours, hire a car and drive the
three hour journey, finally arriving at my hotel there around 1am. It wasn’t
the greatest preparation for an important meeting with someone I had never met
before, but the Little Italy experience will live long in my memory. And the
Philadelphia meeting went well.
Friday, 27 September 2013
Back in the late 1990’s I attended a series of Export Club Breakfasts
hosted by East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce (great bacon butties!), whose
offices were conveniently located opposite where I worked. A key northwest
freight forwarder attended almost every event, and I had used their freight
forwarding services in a previous life shipping machines to North America.
Although this time around their business profile did not match what I was then
looking for, I remember thinking that some logistics companies are good at some
things, experienced in shipping to specific regions of the world, but none of
them can do everything. And so it set in motion a train of thought and action
to find the right companies to ship our floorcovering products across the
length and breadth of Europe. And I have since recommended that particular
forwarder to a number of my clients.
During the process, I contacted nearly 50 freight
forwarders, all of whom offered a range of services into Ireland and mainland
Europe, which was my key focus. I was very clear about what I wanted to
achieve: competitive rates both DDP and FCA, based on an up to date weights and
dimensions chart and quantity breaks; genuine quick service, both in terms of
collection and delivery times and in response times to our frequent needs;
minimal transhipment between the forwarders and their overseas partners; and a
list of where they offered direct services and where they relied on partner
companies. I received 23 replies, and shortlisted 12 to go and visit so that I
could fully understand the services they could provide for us.
It was an enlightening and productive exercise that resulted
in the selection of five freight forwarders: a prime forwarder to carry product
throughout Germanic Europe, to transport goods to Turkey via Trieste, and
specifically to ship to the growing
number of EU outlets of a global car rental company; a second to handle all
shipments to France; a third for Spain; a fourth to service the market in the
Republic of Ireland; and finally a specialist forwarder based in the east of
Germany whose experience was critical to for shipping goods efficiently into
Russia. In learning about the strengths and weaknesses of each company, we were
able to achieve almost all of our objectives, and to be sure of the cost of the
transport element to each shipment. Our forwarders became longstanding partners,
and everybody won from the arrangement.
The company that we worked with to ship goods to Turkey
partnered a Turkish freight forwarder who owned a share in the Trieste to
Istanbul ferry. This mean that our goods were shipped straight to Italy to meet
the sailings to Istanbul, which at the time cut the journey time by three days
from the standard ten day overland journey time via Romania. Both parties were
very active in trying to ensure that they handled our shipments efficiently and
two of their key Manchester staff had long experience in dealing with shipments
to and from Turkey. We met in Manchester and Istanbul for annual reviews, and
we rarely had any issues in shipping goods to what was then our most important
export market.
The arrangement between us, and the price points that we
agreed, enabled us to provide to the global car hire company with an annually
reviewed fixed euro price for the supply and shipment of our products to their
multiple sites across Germany, into France, and Switzerland, and also provided
a platform on which we could help them to expand their business around Europe.
The company in eastern Germany had deep experience of the
various border issues, and at that time this was vital in ensuring the swift
and safe shipment of goods into Russia, and they also had a regular presence
here in the UK. The delays that could occur at the Russian border for companies
whose documents were not up to standard, with the correct certifications, and
in the right format could be quite lengthy, so it was important to work with a ‘known’
forwarder who would cut through all that. The French, Spanish, and Irish
forwarders were by comparison a breeze!
Looking back now, I realise that the whole selection process
was probably too laborious and long-winded. However it was worth it and had a
number of positive knock-on effects: our warehouse staff got to know schedules
of the truck drivers, and orders were invariably ready for immediate loading;
the documentary process was seamless, even when we were dealing with orders
against Letters of Credit; transit times were as good as we could hope to
achieve; information on local delivery conditions was advised to the drivers so
that the right size of truck was used when access was difficult or restricted;
we got a good deal, our shippers got a good deal and regular business, and our
prices remained sharply competitive.
So why not include as part of your market entry plan an
appraisal of the costs and efficiencies of freight forwarders who service your
selected markets?
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